Spring Ponderings

Ok, this post is sure to be one of randomness.

There is a bunch going on in my crazy brain that I will generously share with you. (You're welcome)
Lately, I have been on an adoption mission once again. We filled out an "information form" for an agency in Texas to pursue a domestic (from the US) adoption of an African American or Biracial child. The info form is like a pre-application application. We received a response 3 weeks later. The 1st part said that they were unable to accept us as a family for this program. My first response was "ok, God's ordaining this process step by step" my second response was "Why the heck not?! What's wrong with us?" I basically found out that they were not willing to take us on for fear of not having a birthmom choose us. We are an all white family, with 2 young kids already. From their experience, they believe it would be hard to match us. A hard truth I suppose you could say. Alright, I appreciate that they are trying to save us some pain and heartache over a possibly never-ending process.
The 2nd part of the reply from this agency invited us to pursue any of their international programs. I immediately went to look at them and went straight back to Africa. Funny, I have learned SO MUCH about adoption since I started looking in July, and I'm right back to where we started, and with much peace.
Where are we now? We are at perfect peace with pursuing an adoption from... Dah dah dah!
RWANDA! There is incredible need there, and the more we learn, the more we fall in love with the thought of adding to our family through this process. Anyway, I will have MUCH more to say on the subject of adoption, so I;ll save it all for another day. However, we will be working on paperwork and the beginning stages of this adoption this summer and fall.
In other news, it has been a rainy, muddy mess for about a week now. The snow is melting like cotton candy, and good riddance! I can say that I am MORE than ready for spring and warm weather. The poor dog and kids have major cabin fever. Trips to McDonald's for the "playplace" aren't holding up very well. Remind me why again we are living in a place with a 6 month long winter???
Mia and I are going to a babyshower this weekend and are in charge of dessert and favors. We're making this cake , and sugar cookies that look like onesies, and these for favors. I'm excited to try out these new things and to party with my favorite ladies.


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