Fundraising Party!

We're excited to announce our FUNDRAISING PARTY! Things are underway for planning for this event, and we couldn't be more excited for the project! (Well, I'm excited- Lucas is so busy!)

Anyway, our desire was to have a family-friendly event where people could come and celebrate with us and hear about this adventure. If they feel like supporting, awesome- but we're mostly excited to get together with everyone and share.

Things are coming together superbly, and of course I have too many ideas with too few resources. BUT- it's going to be fun! Now, Let's just pray that not everyone is out of town and will come :)


Summer Update

Seeing as how the summer is about 1/2 over, I thought it would be a good time to update.

On the adoption front:
*Our 1st set of fingerprinting is officially done. This was the set required by our homestudy agency for the initial background check.
*We've had the 1st of 2 homestudy visits with our social worker. It was in our home, and it really wasn't as big of a deal as we thought. Everyone tells you that, but I just figured everyone else's houses were cleaner than ours!
* Our "official" fundraiser is in the beginning stages of being planned. September 4th (Anna's birthday!) will be the day. It's basically an evening to hear our story, participate in our journey, and enjoy some family fun. Spaghetti dinner, the photography WildBooth!, and LIVE music from Dan Rodriguez! Please mark your calendars. 6pm-10pm 9/4/10

In other news:
*We're loving summer! From the mission trip to Kadoka, SD I was blessed to take last month with the students from our church, the family 4th of July, the birth of our 1st niece Lourdes May, and the family vacation we just got home from.
*Lucas' photography business has been blessed to stay busy, busy, busy. Lucas and I have had a great time shooting weddings, seniors and families together. Our hope is that is continues to be a successful and enjoyable endeavor for our family.

More later!


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