Why Rwanda?
While adoption has been an easy decision, the "where" has not. In July of '09 we began seriously researching this crazy world. We had no idea how wide, complex and wonderful the adoption community and process is.
We started reading up on agencies and making decisions. We continued to explore and trust, taking one small step at a time, asking TONS of questions.
There are lots of kids in the U.S. that need homes, right? We started there. One by one, the doors to domestic adoption we're closed.
After more praying and waiting, we were drawn once again to our first thoughts.
Originally, we were drawn to Africa. Obviously, there is need, but more than that, we've always been in awe of the continent itself. As a young girl, Anna dreamed of followind in Dr. Jane Goodall's shoes, reasearching the chimpanzees of Tanzinia. Lucas loved the food, joy and culture his roommate from Ghana brought into his life.
Rwanda caught our attention when Anna came across a blog of a fmily who had adopted independently. Independent adoption simply means no agency assistance. So, we could do this process without the "middle man" of an agency.
Rwanda is one country where the adoption process is being done soundly and ethically. They do NOT allow agencies to be licensed in Rwanda, they desire to work directly with parents.
Rwanda is representative of so much hope and resoration. The country is still recovering from the genocide in the 1990's. As in any situation like it, the children are the ones hardest hit. We have spent a great deal of time investing in learning of this beautiful place, and are so looking forward to seeing it first hand.