Fundraiser Success!
>> Monday, September 20, 2010 –
The fundraising event on Sept. 4th was to say the least, a raving success! We were truly humbled by the generosity shown to us that day, and since we've made our plans known to others.
We raised over $3000 that night, and are so incredibly grateful. And although the details are still unknown, we are trusting that this adventure is just beginning.
One of the greatest parts of the night was the hilarious pictures that came out of the WildBooth!
To see them all, click here: WildBooth!
A HUGE shout out to those who made the evening so successful:
Dan for your incredible music, the Mission Team for making such wonderful food, family for the assistance, Becks K for the greeting cards, and Julie for the moral support :)
Oh, and thank you STA men for helping with the keg!!

We are currently awaiting news on our options at this point. We are hopeful and resigned to keep positive. We have started to research other possibilities in the event Rwanda does NOT open up in the near future. Specifically, we are praying about re-visit a domestic (from the U.S.) adoption. We're open to many possibilities at this point.